Sunday, 30 November 2008













Christmas shopping

_1000975, originally uploaded by lhy709.


York Minster那邊還被濃霧籠罩著,但橋上看起來還ok。



York Minster側門正對過去這條街,據說是電影哈利波特中斜角巷取的場景。不過還真的沒印象ㄟ,大概得回頭去看電影,跟這邊對照對照。




從正面來看在薄霧中的York Minster。


City council後面的那間教堂,最近開放給往年十二月初在market square上賣約克郡藝術品的藝術家們。除了字面上說做展覽外,實際上是在進行買賣的。教堂裡面的那扇彩繪玻璃頗有特色,不過一堆人在那邊逛攤位,把相機拿出來猛拍不知道好不好,所以就作罷了。從教堂出來,可以直接看到St. Helen Square上City Council擺設的聖誕樹喔,已經點燈了。






之後沒多久,霧又漸漸退去,但也正是進入黑夜了。我特別喜歡夜晚的All Saints Church,尤其是他那鏤空的鐘樓。



最後再回到St. Helen Square,拍拍入夜後的廣場以及聖誕樹,做為今天出來晃晃的終點站。


Saturday, 29 November 2008

Nespresso各口味品嚐心得: personal opinion


27th November 2008: Cosi and Livanto




28th November 2008: Roma and Ristretto



就這一回合的分析,官方網站上面所記載的口味強度(Ristretto: 10; Roma: 8)跟實際上的感受是差不多的。但就我個人的評論是,Roma的酸味較強,相對而言,Ristretto的苦度比較純粹,回購度就我而言會比較高。阿比卻告訴我,她可以接受Roma的酸度故打算購買Roma,因為加了牛奶後,基本上這些咖啡的酸味對她來說已不是問題。我想,大概是我太挑了吧(haha......)。

28th November 2008: Decaffeinato Intenso and Decaffeinato

這一天下午嘴饞,又試了一泡。如字面所述,這兩款都屬於低咖啡因的濃縮咖啡。基本上,我並不喜歡低咖啡因的咖啡,主要是因為朋友告訴我低咖啡因咖啡在粹取技術上對人體來說並不是太好。此外,我個人也不太喜歡將食物的本質做改變的食物改良方式,因為大致上都是化學方法,對於人體有無害處到目前還不知道,因為觀察的時間過短。Anyways,我還是嚐試了Decaffeinato Intenso,因為這個口味比較強烈,想說應該會帶給我正常咖啡因咖啡的感受吧。

Decaffeinato Intenso的外觀為深紅色,是我喜歡的那種。而Decaffeinato則為較淺的紅色帶有一點橘,是個蠻搶眼的顏色。

Decaffeinato Intenso



坦白說,有沒有低卡還真的試不出來。網站上提到的口味強度(Decaffeinato Intenso: 7; Decaffeinato: 2(!?)),大概只能參考用而已,因為實際上嚐起來,後者並沒有比前者弱這麼多。阿比視覺得兩者都可以訂購,但我認為,既然其他非低卡的口味有這麼多可供選擇,我對於低卡的咖啡應該不會那麼喜好吧。

29th November 2008: Decaffeinato Lungo and Vivalto

在義大利文的lungo是指大杯的意思,故同樣大小的膠囊可以沖泡比其他膠囊多出一倍多的容量。今天Vivalto的膠囊為靛藍色,而Decaffeinato Lungo為朱紅色,兩者同屬於Lungo系列。


Decaffeinato Lungo


今天品嚐的結果,阿比跟我各自喜歡各自所選的。Decaffeinato Lungo與Vivalto的強度各自為5跟6。阿比認為,她喜歡Decaffeinato Lungo的淡淡炭培味,但他不知道我的Vivalto那種味道是什麼。就官方網站上的介紹,就姑且稱之為花香吧。不過坦白說,我並沒有從Vivalto聞到花香,較讓我喜歡的應該是入喉順滑的感覺。如果以個人不偏好低卡咖啡的觀點來看,我應該會挑選Vivalto。但是我覺得Vivalto的味道不過普普,應該先不會列入考慮,因為她的唯一優點,對我來說,只是比較大杯而已(sigh......)。

今天測試完後,手邊的口味只剩下兩種而已: 深綠色的Capriccio以及鵝黃色的Finezzo。最後阿比跟我會做個決選,各自選出喜歡的口味,然後訂購囉~

Looks near but distant indeed

P1010397, originally uploaded by lhy709.

James Larkin Statute, Dublin, Ireland.

Have you ever had a feeling that things look close but still far away in effect? Doctoral research, do trust me, is one of them. Nothing is to be achieved without pursuing. Even though you think you are almost there, just do it harder and get the goal then you can take a rest as long as you want. But, the point is "to get things done" instead of taking a rest. Obviously, there are too many things waiting for us to do after finishing one. Just take appropriate relaxation and get on another task. That is life.

James Larkin was a great guy who supported labour movement in Ireland during late 19th and early 20th century. Of course, his goal was not accomplished by himself, but with a few people who had faith. The thing Larkin did was to stick to his faith and carry it through. That is the only secret. His mind reminds me to keep fighting and concentrating on my work which I was and is still interested in and believe being of help to people. Be hanging tough!!!

Here, I would like to share an old song, "Hanging Tough", with you guys which was composed and performed by New Kids on the Block and released in 1988. Wish you enjoy it and hope you all hanging tough on the things you want or need to get them done.

Friday, 28 November 2008

The first snow in York

First snow in York, originally uploaded by lhy709.

I quite like the car track on the street.

It was on 23rd of November this year.

I remember Denise, the former chief secretary of our department, told me that usually the first snow in York is around the end of November according to her three decades of habitation in York. However, in my first two years of stay here, the first snows came in early January, I guess, because of Green House effect. I also remember an Icelandic course mate, Harpa, I met in Oslo told me that Iceland did not snow during Christmas in 2006 then you can see how bad it is. (Harpa is a 50ish woman who has two grandchildren in Norway. I quite like to talk to her cus she always brings me different views about things. I remember she was terrified by a painting displayed in the hotel the course was held. That painting was done by a famous Norweign artist. In that painting, you can see a young girl takes a gun and wears a terribly weird smile. I may introduce it later on.)

Then, what's going on?! The place where should snow during Christmas didn't snow and place which is like York does not snow in the beginning of winter?! There must be something wrong, and global warming is the alert which warns us to cherish the only planet we live on.

I wanna share a song with you guys who read this article. This song is called "Cherish" and is composed and performed by the group "Kool & Gang". Because the issuer on YouTube refuse people embed this song, please just click the "Cherish" above to link to YouTube if you guys are interested in. By the way, this song is quite old (published in 1984), so please be well prepared.

By the way, Madonna also published a song in the same name in 1989. Well, I have to confess that I quite fancied of her when I was a junior high school student since my friend and I listened to plenty of English songs during that time. But you know her style and of course the MV is very sexy......albeit I don't know exactly what she tries to cherish. Anyways, do enjoy it.

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Krups Essenza Coffee Machine

Krups Essenza Nespresso Coffee Machine XN2007

是的 最近家裡又有新成員降臨 就是這台Krups咖啡機

因為最近購買有£30.00的cashback! 所以就找一家最便宜的店家給衝下去了
22號下單 免運費 26號早上又是由同一位Parcel Force的酷酷送貨員送來
幾乎我們訂購的東西 我們的包裹 都是由他經手 每次來的時間也都一樣 大概8點前後

這種咖啡機有個特點 他的咖啡粉是用真空膠囊的方式保存
據雀巢咖啡表示 這樣的做法會使咖啡的保存期間更長 也會比較新鮮
這種新的產品稱為Nespresso 由字面可知這台機器主要是用來泡義式濃縮咖啡


我是選擇了最前面右邊的這個深紫色膠囊 這種咖啡稱為Arpeggio
這個是由地中海種植的咖啡豆製成 其苦度若以滿分10來看 得到9分
由此可知 口感相當濃烈 而這種咖啡豆除了適合義式濃縮咖啡外 也適合卡布奇諾
沒想到Denby這麼高貴血統的咖啡杯組 只要£9.00


這個口味的咖啡 泡出來的泡沫相當細緻
而這樣細緻的咖啡泡沫 也只有相當新鮮的咖啡豆會有

這次我選擇的Arpeggio 我認為應該要加鮮奶風味更加
雖說這種咖啡豆的口味很重 沒有酸味
但就我口味的轉變來說 加些鮮奶讓他變成Latte或是Cappuccino應該更符合我的需求
所以 若之後要訂購的時候 將自己的偏好也以10級分排序 我應該會給他7分吧

這一款咖啡膠囊的外觀為金色 而官方網站給予的濃度為4分 無論是苦度與酸度屬於中弱

小菲菲所選的Volluto則為左排倒數第三個 那個金色的膠囊

外頭為各種顏色的橫條紋 裡面則為深藍色的但細看可知亦為橫條紋所組成



就口感而言 小菲菲的第一口是覺得很酸 因為她的感覺常常比較敏銳
也因此 這種感覺很容易被放大......
而我的感覺是 比Arpeggio要淡得多 酸味方面我覺得是淡淡的果酸 算是舒服
剛剛問了小菲菲說以後是否會選擇這一款 她說:「我OK啊」
這是什麼沒有誠意的回答啊 一點都沒有經過大腦ㄅㄟ?!
接著我問說 那10分裡面你會打幾分呢 她回答:「現在我沒有辦法打分」

我個人給這款咖啡的評價大概是6分吧 因為我比較喜歡濃烈一點的口味
當然 現在的評分還是會依照以後出現的其他咖啡而有所變動

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Feeling cold out of nothing at all

_1000385-1, originally uploaded by lhy709.

It was extremely cold couple days ago and it gets warmer now. However, bad thing never comes odd, it would get colder since tomorrow according to BBC weather report. To be honest, I've never trusted BBC weather report since it cheated me so many times and made me change my travel, but the weather turned out to be "sunny"! Nevertheless, there is one reason why BBC weather forecast is still useful is that the temperature prediction is usually correct! So, let's not blame these people who are doing a tough job in the world. But, I still have to say, sometimes, or even frequently, they may misread the satellite graphs.

Sunday, 23 November 2008

Bread and buns

_1000784, originally uploaded by lhy709.

Phoebe made good breads and buns. The buns are pretty Taiwanese style. In fact, I quite like them.

Bread and life always come together because bread or food sustains people's life. In other words, bread could keep people's subsistence but most of the time not an appropriate level of life. In that way, people may easily be out of the social connection with others because they do not have enough resource to attend some social events. Therefore, needy gets poorer. In order to prevent people's living standard fall below a certain level and protect people from being destitute, social security schemes are introduced to deal with the problems.

Saturday, 22 November 2008

You are not truly happy

This song is by May Day, a very popular Taiwanese pop band. The leader of the band, Monster (怪獸), was two years senior than me in the same department at National Taiwan University.

I quite like this song because its MV is so touched which I haven't seen any other MV could bring this kind of feeling to me. This song discusses that people always wear musk in daily life which make them dare not show their true feelings. In this story, a guy is selling jokes on the street to amuse people. After listening to his funny stories, everybody laughs and walks away. When they turn around and face oneself, they stop smiling and look deep in their minds. One day, when the guy tells a joke to a young lady, she bursts into tears immediately and runs away. The reason is that, in order to amuse people, she has to make believe that she's happy everyday and hide the real her. It's painful to her. One day, however, she finds that in fact the guy who's selling jokes on the street bears a bigger secret in his mind. That day, the guy pushes his girlfriend, a young lady with paralysis, sitting on a wheel chair in to the place she works and asks the lady who ever bought a joke from him to take a photo for his girlfriend and him. The young lady suddenly feels better and realises how heavy a burden his mind bears.

The thing which moves me the most is the girl with paralysis smiles after the guy tells her something by her ear. And I believe that this smile also touches the girl who is taking a picture for them.

The following is the lyric in Traditional Chinese.

你不是真正的快樂 (作詞:阿信 作曲:阿信)

人群中 哭著 你只想變成透明的顏色
你再也不會夢 或痛 或心動了
你已經決定了 你已經決定了

你 靜靜 忍著 緊緊把昨天在拳心握著
而回憶越是甜 就是 越傷人了
越是在 手心留下 密密麻麻 深深淺淺的刀割

你不是真正的快樂 你的笑只是你穿的保護色
你決定不恨了 也決定不愛了
把你的靈魂 關在永遠 鎖上的軀殼

這世界 笑了 於是你合群的一起笑了
當生存是規則 不是 你的選擇
於是你 含著眼淚 飄飄盪盪 跌跌撞撞的走著

你不是真正的快樂 你的笑只是你穿的保護色
你決定不恨了 也決定不愛了
把你的靈魂 關在永遠 鎖上的軀殼

你不是真正的快樂 你的傷從不肯完全的癒合
我站在你左側 卻像隔著銀河
難道就真的 抱著遺憾 一直到老了 然後才後悔著

你不是真正的快樂 你的笑只是你穿的保護色
你決定不恨了 也決定不愛了
把你的靈魂 關在永遠 鎖上的軀殼

你不是真正的快樂 你的傷從不肯完全的癒合
我站在你左側 卻像隔著銀河
難道就真的 抱著遺憾 一直到老了

你值得真正的快樂 你應該脫下你穿的保護色
為什麼失去了 還要被懲罰呢
能不能就讓 悲傷全部 結束在此刻 重新開始活著

Friday, 21 November 2008



The colour, pale green, is called chartreuse or chloros. The first word originates from Franch, and the last one is in Greek which is also related to the element Chlorine.

In late autumn, some leaves become red like maple and others may turn light green then yellow and desiccant. When they fall from the trees, it means winter comes. It's interesting to observe the world and feel the rhyme of life then you may see something intriguing or look into things from different perspectives. So, just enjoy the life.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

The reflection of one's life

Last night I found that the garage eventually replaced the light and that corner will not be that dark at night. Suddenly, I saw the reflection of the garage's signboard and thought that it might be interesting to take this view because it reminded me one song by Meat Loaf, "Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer than They Are", released in 1993. I know that the song might not be closely related to this photo, but it did come to my mind last night.

You know that Meat Loaf's song is usually over 6 mins. Wish you enjoy it.

Iron cage and freedom

P1000733, originally uploaded by lhy709.

Blarney Castle, Blarney, Cork, Ireland.

This Castle could date back to 1200AD which is a medieval Castle. The most famous thing here is to kiss the Blarney Stone which could make you eloquent. This Stone was presented by Robert the Bruce to the owner Cormac McCarthy in 1314AD. This originated from the owner who was wise and usually solved the problems with convincing the people he would like to persuade. Many people wanted to kiss this stone to be eloquent but was refused by the owner with pouring hot oil from the top or by setting traps.

After knowing the this interesting history, I came to this Castle. I found this Castle is extremely narrow and uncomfortable for living. I think that this owner may be an iron cock (a stingy person or a miser) who is so niggard to share something he has and tries every possible means to protect the possessions he has got. This may explain why, in my opinion, he was so successful in his time.

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

18th of November, Weather: Sunny

_1000647, originally uploaded by lhy709.

Rowntree Park, South Bank, York, North Yorkshire, England, UK.

After getting into Autumn, it's hardly to see the sun say about 4 hours a day. Luckily, we have sunshine all day.

This afternoon, Phoebe and I walked down to the South Bank and across the Millennium Bridge. Most of leaves fell from trees. The water fell from above soaked them. Some leaves still held on to the trees for fear being thrown away. Dawns come earlier and earlier day after day. This lamp seems get ready for it.


The River Ouse looks very beautiful today particularly accompanied with yellow leaves.


The Millennium Bridge's arch is so delicate under the blue sky.


So, do enjoy the sunray during the autumn with the one beside you, who may be your friend, partner or simply a stranger. And, do remember the one who's waiting for you to come home. As the new comer, a Korean guy, who sits beside me, said that it must be the best thing in the world that someone's waiting for you at home. So, cherish the ones that care about you.

To live the life

_1000563, originally uploaded by lhy709.

I remember that I ever read a translated novel which is about butter and people's life, but I can't remember the book's title. That book talks about subsistence and the life of needy people.

My field is about pension and ageing population's life, and is of course partially about poverty. It was an important debate about to meet people's subsistence or minimum life standard.

The first term means to keep the needy living in a status that they just can sustain their basic life and exactly "enough" food. Thus, no extra expenditure is allowed.

While the second term means government should not only satisfy people's demand on foods but also social life in order to build a connection with the society. Besides, this considers about people's dignity and therefore is a higher standard we pursue. In my opinion, this can also be seen as the right to live which is pointed out by our, and naturally others, Constitution.

Governments should keep this in mind that they are the last, or I could say the only, resort that people could count upon to. The officials should also realise that their jobs are not to manage, but to serve people because they are recruited by the nation. And, people of the nation are the masters.

The politicians usually forget about this and then omit what they ought to be done to achieve their promises during election, and the officials always treat the civil employment is a "golden bowl" for their life career. But, when the nation collapses, everything is nothing but wallpaper. We should keep this in mind.