Thursday 20 November 2008

Iron cage and freedom

P1000733, originally uploaded by lhy709.

Blarney Castle, Blarney, Cork, Ireland.

This Castle could date back to 1200AD which is a medieval Castle. The most famous thing here is to kiss the Blarney Stone which could make you eloquent. This Stone was presented by Robert the Bruce to the owner Cormac McCarthy in 1314AD. This originated from the owner who was wise and usually solved the problems with convincing the people he would like to persuade. Many people wanted to kiss this stone to be eloquent but was refused by the owner with pouring hot oil from the top or by setting traps.

After knowing the this interesting history, I came to this Castle. I found this Castle is extremely narrow and uncomfortable for living. I think that this owner may be an iron cock (a stingy person or a miser) who is so niggard to share something he has and tries every possible means to protect the possessions he has got. This may explain why, in my opinion, he was so successful in his time.

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