Tuesday 18 November 2008

18th of November, Weather: Sunny

_1000647, originally uploaded by lhy709.

Rowntree Park, South Bank, York, North Yorkshire, England, UK.

After getting into Autumn, it's hardly to see the sun say about 4 hours a day. Luckily, we have sunshine all day.

This afternoon, Phoebe and I walked down to the South Bank and across the Millennium Bridge. Most of leaves fell from trees. The water fell from above soaked them. Some leaves still held on to the trees for fear being thrown away. Dawns come earlier and earlier day after day. This lamp seems get ready for it.


The River Ouse looks very beautiful today particularly accompanied with yellow leaves.


The Millennium Bridge's arch is so delicate under the blue sky.


So, do enjoy the sunray during the autumn with the one beside you, who may be your friend, partner or simply a stranger. And, do remember the one who's waiting for you to come home. As the new comer, a Korean guy, who sits beside me, said that it must be the best thing in the world that someone's waiting for you at home. So, cherish the ones that care about you.

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