Saturday 20 December 2008




5月3日:PenzanceMinack以及Land's End

5月4日:TruroSt. Mawes

5月5日:St. Michael's Mount

接下來應該會先專心在論文寫作上,畢竟是最後一章了。至於最近的行程,比方Chatsworth House、Lincoln與Leeds,以及稍早的Manchester,甚至Switzerland與Eire系列等等,就先擱在一旁吧。最近會有的,大概就只有短篇而已,不然就是分享分享音樂MV了。

By the way, Phoebe says that all my articles in Mandarin are hard to read because I always make some grammatical problems and tell the things I know merely. It is therefore a kind of soliloquy instead of voyages. Indeed, Phoebe's Mandarin is much better than mine since she was an assistant of Chinese teaching during high school years. Besides, the most importantly, I quite like to read Phoebe's articles because that would make the readers feel like touring with her. That's why she is so great! So, if you would like to read Phoebe's version of Cornwall trips, her links are as follows (but all in Mandarin with Traditional Chinese characters, sorry):

Volumn I

Volumn II

Volumn III

Hope you guys enjoy the articles and wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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